Pineapple Peach TxHxC & CxBxG wellness gummies
LiveWell is a suite of TxHxC + CxBxG wellness products scientifically formulated to enhance focus, relieve inflammation, promote gut health and overall wellness.
CxBxG is an important minor c’nnabinoid that supports a general physical wellness and internal balance known as Homeostasis. Research has shown that CxBxG may also reduce inflammation, kill harmful bacteria and even educe stress. In order to maximize overall efficacy , our proprietary formulation blends both Nano TxHxC and Nano CxBxG in the optimal 1:1 Ratio. These nano-emulsified c’nnabinoids are also fast-acting, insuring an onset of 15 minutes or less.
10mg TxHxC & 10mg CxBxG per gummy
10 gummies total